Jack The Giant Slayer

Published April 1, 2013 by dreamerwithin

Jack The Giant Slayer is another great movie I have recently viewed. In Australia it is currently at the movies and I am unaware of it’s viewing forms in other countries and regions. 

It is an action packed movie, is a twist of well known fairy tale of Jack And The Bean Stalk into a movie suited for an older audience. It is rated M, I believe this is because of the violence throughout. 

There are a few familiar faces with in the cast but all extremely well acted out. 

I particularly like the ending but can not go into detail about that ~ ruining the movies for many. 

I would rate Jack the Giant Slayer a 3.5 out of 5 stars. I good watch that I enjoyed thoroughly. 🙂 xx

The perks of being a wall flower

Published April 1, 2013 by dreamerwithin

I watched the perks of being a wall flower the other day, I thought it was a great movie. And highly recommend it to other teens. It is very meaningful and left you think back to earlier on in the movie. It was truely amazing, with some great acting by all of the cast. Showing teens that being noticed isn’t always the best. It also shows true friendship through a insecure view. It does include drug use and a “different” type of relationship.

I would give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars 🙂 xx

Welcome :)

Published March 13, 2013 by dreamerwithin

Welcome to My Little Blanket Of Stars!

I’m pretty new to this so please no hate.

I Hope you guys like my blog I will be talking about lots of different thing; just kinda spur of the moment stuff. I will probably do a few reviews on things such as food, books, movies, etc. And if I find something great such as a certain recope I’ll put in on here so you everyone else can enjoy it too 🙂

I’de love to hear feed back xx